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Writer's pictureLeisa Davidson

How do I find my missing cat?

Updated: Feb 16

How do I find a lost cat?

Before you start looking for your missing cat, you need to determine what type of cat you have, a house cat that has never been out before will act very differently from a cat that is allowed to roam. A house cat will normally be found within 5 houses of home and maybe hiding down somewhere. You average cat that is allowed to roam maybe just off his territory, and be confused and unable to find the way back home.

Start by making a plan

Make a plan before you start running around the streets calling for him and shaking treats, and in my opinion this does not work! So start writing a plan and write down the last time your cat was seen, was it day or night? If it was the day time maybe your cat could have climbed into a delivery van or have been scared away by a noisy lorry. At night your cat could have been chased off the area by a fox or another cat. Therefore a good chance he is just lost as he is on new territory.

Do you know your cats territory?

Try to work out what area around your home is your cats territory, how far did he go when outside, and did he have regular places and areas that he liked to visit. The areas that he visited regularly would be my first step to search for him, maybe he has been shut in a shed, garage or greenhouse in the local area.

Speak to local neighbours

Start by door knocking and have conversations with your neighbours, ask them if they have seen your cat and does he visit their property. At this point you can ask your neighbours to check sheds and garages, ask if they have had them open and he could be trapped inside. Having conversations with local residents can help you get your cat found quickly, make sure neighbours are aware you are concerned for your cat and express your fears so they want to help you.

Act quickly when searching for your missing cat

It is important you act quickly when you are searching for your missing cat so start leafleting the area as soon as possible. The leaflet should state where and when your cat went missing, this will help to jog neighbours memories. Print a map of your local area and work in sections leafleting, work close to home first and work outwards, there is a good chance he is lost and hiding in someone’s garden, so alerting the neighbours quickly could mean he is spotted sooner.

Put up posters of your missing cat

Poster the area as soon as you can, the leaflet should show a good clear photo of your cat. Clear information of how to contact you if someone comes across your cat or has any information. Speak to local delivery drivers and postal workers who can look for your cat on their rounds.

Report your missing cat to vets and rescue groups

Report your cat missing with your vet and other local vets, email details and a photo of your cat to every vet in the area just in case your cat is handed in to them . Make sure you contact your microchipping company and check all details are up to date and they can flag your cat up as missing. Also check in with local rescue groups, as these groups will also look out for him and can share on local social media pages.

Attract your cat home

Leave doors or windows open at home, this may help your cat smell his way home. Do not leave litter or food in the garden as this may entice other cats/foxes to the garden and may prevent your cat coming home. Search alone and be calm and quiet, the best time to go searching is first thing in the morning before people are up or very late at night and traffic is slow and the streets are empty and quiet.

Social Media

Make use of social to help you find your cat, share on local sites and ask other people to share for you. Next door app and Facebook are great for getting people engaging with your story so make sure you add all the necessary information on your post.

Be patient when searching for your cat

Be patient, sometimes it takes a while to track down your missing cat so do not give up hope to quickly. Continue your search and continue to leaflet, sometimes your cat will be found very quickly. There is a chance your cat may find its way home. Sometimes it can takes weeks or months to find your missing cat, so do not give up searching.


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