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Writer's pictureLeisa Davidson


Updated: Feb 16

Here are some first things to do to help you find your missing/lost cat, follow the advice on actions to take if your cat goes missing. These are first basic steps you can take if your cat goes missing and the quicker you act the better chances of finding your cat quickly and safely . Start a search as soon as possible, alert neighbours and local people that your cat is missing. Ask friends and family to share a missing post on social media platforms.

Indoor/outdoor cat

Firstly you need to think about what kind of cat you have such as indoor. outdoor, bold or shy. If your cat goes outdoors and is quite happy to roam the area and is a little street wise, there is a good chance he has just gone a little further than normal. Cats normally have a territory that they cover, sometimes they wander a little further and get lost. Understanding what territory your cat covers may help you find him. Often they will find their way home but sometimes they sit tight and stay lost, not knowing how to get home. If lost outdoor cats will often find an area that feels safe and then they usually settle and stay in that area. Hopefully someone will notice a new cat hanging around the area and alert a rescue team to come and scan the cat for a microchip. Maybe your cat visits neighbours in your area, some cats do have a second home where they visit regularly, so try to be aware of what your cat does when he goes out.

If you have lost your housecat, this could be a very different matter. House cats normally go into hiding due to fear, house cats do not normally travel to far, they are normally found in the street that they live. Although they maybe very close to home they will be terrified and will not come to your call. You will need to search for your house cat, starting at home, checking the garden, under bushes and behind outbuildings. Work you way outwards along your street, checking each neighbours properties.

Could you cat be at home hiding?

Check around your home, cats are great at finding new places to sleep and are often found indoors somewhere, sleeping in the bottom of the wardrobe or under the sofa! Search all around your home and garden, check summer houses, sheds and garages. Check under beds, behind curtains, behind furniture and in any small gaps.

Ask neighbours to help

Ask neighbours to check their gardens for any signs of your cat, ask them to check sheds and garages (even better if they let you check). Sometimes people look but do not see, often the cat will hide away from sight if he person looking is not familiar. Speak to all the neighbours in your area and make sure they are aware that your cat is missing, express how upset concerned you are that your cat is missing.

Use social media to help you find you cat

Social media like crazy, post photos of your missing cat on all the local sites and keep this up as long as your cat is missing. The more you share and more often, people will also share to friends and neighbours in your area, thus getting a larger social media following. People are great at helping out and want to help you, the more you post the more they will remember your cat is missing.

Leaflet your local area, put leaflets in your neighbours doors with your telephone number with contact details. Put up posters in your street and the streets in surrounding areas. You can also put posters in your local shops and local businesses. Make sure your leaflet has good clear photo of your cat, with a contact number and your area. Start with your local street, and continue to leaflet within half a mile of your home. Flood area with posters, make sure these have been put in plastic covers so they will not get damaged in the rain.

Postal workers and delivery drivers

Speak to the post person, they often know all the cats in the area, so they are a good source of information. Hand the postal worker a poster or leaflet so they have a good description of your cat. Speak to local delivery drivers who can keep a look out around the local area.

Check with neighbours if they had deliveries on the day your cat went missing, is it possible your cat got in a van? Takes notes of any neighbours that had deliveries on the day your cat went missing and ask them to supply you with the delivery companies. You can then contact the companies and find out what areas they dropped to that day, then you may have to check these areas in case your cat jumped out of the van in another delivery area.

Has you cat been handed into a vet surgery?

Check with all local vets to see if your cat has been handed over to them. This is another reason its so important to get your cat microchipped. You need to check with your microchipping company that your details are all up to date and correct and they can flag up that your cat is missing. You can also contact all your local vets stating your cat is missing, along with a photo or description so they are aware your cat is missing from the area.

Continue you search a little wider

Search a wider area if you have still not found your cat, start working out from your home into the next streets and continue working outwards. Leaflet as many houses as possible and put up more posters in these areas. Most cats are found within a mile of there home, often they are just blown off of their own territory. Speak to as many people as you can when searching, do not be afraid to approach people to discuss your missing cat. People are usually very good at helping you and will remember you if you approach them, this also gives you the opportunity to hand them a leaflet.

Rescue centres

Call rescue centres to see if your cat has been handed in by a member of the public. Send information and a clear photo to all local rescues so they are aware your cat is missing, they will often post your missing cat on their social media pages. Ask friends and neighbours to help you search for your cat or get advice from professional searchers. Cat Searcher UK

Lastly, never give up as it may take weeks or months to find your cat.

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